lola44...i want to know her belt and anythink about her..cause i know extreme people from the application...if she invited he didnt fill the i didnt know anythink about her..somebody tell me...
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
All you need to know is that it is bams tb wife and ''she's '' active. though I think atm its more of ingame activeness
less than 15 minutes ago I created a molotove. < you know them grenade kinda things which blow up.
it blew on my thumb and this damn pain wont go
what do I do.
my family dont know bout it.
something is oozing out too. dunno what it is
Ever hear of that place called a hospital clipsall? Go there asap!
Also Lola44 welcome to extreme I am Linkhunters Pimp. ;p
The place called hospital needs to take a que number before going
people overloaded there
cause the new goverment taken by coup did give patients a 1000 buck cover for the time being. so full and happened recently so I could not get to him.besides I need my Id card which is with my mother atm and she doesnt know.Says it safety precaution so we know that you are not lying bout personal information.
Also toon seeing you are Links pimp I'm betting 10k that kam is your pimp
Clip, I like the way you think with the whiting out but I agree with clip there.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Well goodluck the clipall hope all works out also I am also Kam's Pimp I got many hoes on this game I should pimp them for tc!
Originally Posted by cozzakilll View Post
I checked her profile page and no I am not a stalker but it said IL as location. Iceland or Israel?

The Revanent
Oh that makes more sense. Want to go on the irc? Tell me when you are ready.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Ok for once can You guys not question my judgement on recruitment?

Cuz apparently some of you just want her to post right I do that when I see her
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?