Yeah, Kind of, but PEDO stands for pedophile which is someone who stalks people under 18 and tries to sexually abuse them.
She is sexy and cute and adorable and pretty andyou can rape her if you convinced her enoughvery kind, that is all.
dark: may as well search google about 'pedophile'
I will have an army of pedobears come to your manbag closet. We can just both rape her.
dude you guys are to late anyway. i have a confession.... MARKED1 RAPED ME!!!!
she took a plane all the way to Texas and broke into my house while i was recording a song. it was greeaaat
so much for gay ship huh marked1 O_O its full of reverse-pedo rapists O_O
He murked the story up. Actually, I payed pedomoth to come fly her over to my place and Marked1 and I had wild sex. End of story.
EDIT: OMGWTFBBQ 503 posts and I only got to 400 posts a couple days ago