So, yesterday I found out that Invoker is still WTFLOLIMBA. Went 20/8, still lost though. We had a Faceless Void who was bitching at me for not using all my spells (despite the fact that Bloodseeker's Silence is 9 seconds long) while missing every single ult in every single teamfight.
Seriously, we went to stop them from Roshing. He said "wait for my ulti", okay? No problem there. Well, we engage when he's ready, and he... doesn't cast it. Whole battle passes by and we kill two guys. When we're running after Ogre Magi to kill him, he casts his ult OVER US, thus letting Ogre run away. Genius.
Also, we had a Lich that kept farming creep waves with his ultimate (which, in case you didn't know, has 145 second cooldown). Our Bane was bloody terrible too, channeling his ult onto one enemy as the rest destroy the tower and then proceed to kill him.
So, about the whole "not using spells" thing. Yes, my primary spells for my Armor Cuirass build with Invoker are Coldsnap and Forge Spirits, because it allows you to melt anyone like they're cheese. So, where's Ghost Walk? Well, I used it to avoid about 4 kills. The times I did get killed late-game were during surprise attacks that started off with Ogre stun, followed by a 9 second silence. What's a nigga to do? Ice Wall? I don't use it very often because I don't need it for the most part, but I got a kill with it midgame, and saved team mates with it twice. Meteor, EMP and Tornado, I don't use because they don't fit my build whatsoever. EMP maybe, but I rarely find it useful until late-game.
So yeah.
I hate playing with randoms.
Last edited by Kraetyz; Jul 23, 2012 at 04:23 PM.