Originally Posted by Karbn View Post
elite, join us

I will have to straight up and say no to that.

He clan hops more than anyone i know in this game lmfao
and it will be just useless to have him in here considering that he will end up leaving in the week he joins
it was just a joke :P if he wants to join, he'd have to make an app. there's very few people i want to recommend to vector.
Elite does better in fl0w than he does here, I'd fuck him up anyway.

Originally Posted by Heat View Post

I'm sorry I let you in in the first place... you were really tempted to join the clan because of Aadame in here and such yet you still wanted to leave because you didn't know what's inside of this clan... well shame on you. Enjoy anyway.
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I first came in to meet the members and stuff, but then saw that you were all talking about stuff I don't rely to, and I just didn't feel at my place. Nothing personal, knowing what's inside of the clan was my objective by joining. Sorry.

Find me ingame and duel me
Guys, no need for any more confrontation on the matter. I'm sure heat knows that leaving the way he did wasn't very mature, and there's nothing we can do to fix that. Let's just move on, shall we?

In other news, I have a new forum set!!
Last edited by Karbn; Nov 18, 2017 at 02:39 AM.

Patrickooo's Moderated Message:
9th official rule of our board:
9. Do not make too short posts.

Thank you.
Last edited by Patrickooo; Nov 18, 2017 at 09:14 AM.
Originally Posted by HOPE View Post
I will have to straight up and say no to that.

He clan hops more than anyone i know in this game lmfao
and it will be just useless to have him in here considering that he will end up leaving in the week he joins

Same, i still remember when he was "Universe" and joined mau(rip) and another lots of clans, dude hop in clans like hell
Altough nice to have as ally
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Another leaving member, we kinda got used to it...

@Karbn: Congrats! I don't see why you're still trying to donate for the good of the game since it's dying... average 130 members ain't enough but well still good to know somebody's still looking forward to make this game progress once more.
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