Hi, due to the increasing amount of threads in the Torishop discussion about price checking. Along with the other market moderators I have decided to create and run a price check megathread. Here is the format to follow if you want your post to be recognized. (If you want to know how to link your inventory just PM me and I will explain)
Evaluation Type: (TC, USD or both)
TC total:
Inventory link:
Ban/infraction history:
Booster/Toribash prime information:
Anything else you wish to add:
Multitude of items:
Packed or unpacked:
Picture: (Provide a picture via thumbnail or image tags)
Forge price: (If it was forged by another source than Nabi)
Information: (Whether it is limited edition or not, etc)
DO NOT POST PRICE CHECKS FOR TEXTURE ART HERE. Let the Texture Mob handle those appraisals.
Some of the market moderators and I will be helping run this thread, however I encourage you to respond to other people's questions. And remember, the first answer is not always the best answer, there are always people out there trying to rip you off ;)
Name of the item: