Okay gham:You and zolifun were the first people to join and i relly have great-friendship with you both,zolifun has explained everythingto me.
crusade: or Kolous: I run this clan through respect, royalty and hustle. Crusade, gham was the person who voted you to become co-ldr, i dont want either of yous to leave so this stops now!, if it means you dont go to each others rooms then dont until you think you have gotten of it, guys if you wanna grow u and say sorry or is ur ego too big guys
To the 2nd leader poistion: There is two people that wants the position Bibbles which he is a relly great friend of mineand i can count on him to doing anything, he is somthing like me and belives having a fun time, He is a relly good friend and wants to be ldr too.
But ballsoffire wants to be ldr too, and he is a relly mad player too and i have been his friend since i joined legion which was mad, he knows how to make texture but also is a mad akido player.
Jules welcome its not a very good time due to the fighting but hey welcome adding now
11 members
I will make my descion in 5 days guys