Finally solo'd skeletron after making full molten for the extra defense. And low and behold, Muramasa was the first chest :3 Now I just need my white phaseblade.
Also, I got my first platinum coin.
nyan :3 Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Finally solo'd skeletron after making full molten for the extra defense. And low and behold, Muramasa was the first chest :3 Now I just need my white phaseblade.
Oh boy, just beat skeletron and got crazy insane loot from the dungeon. Totally worth the effort!
I was probably aided a lot by the molten armor set i have, considering how much armor it gives. 38 armor? Dayum. Also, i've nicked a grand total of 8 hellforges from the underworld (because why not?), along with a holy fuckload of hellstone. Conclusion: Fire imps are annoying.