Torikill: The first trick looked really nice, but the direction changes were a bit twitchy, try to make everything smooth.
The pose was very akward, extending both glutes and the abs is rarely a good option.
Tylander: I'm not being whiney, it's a rule.
Blind man's biff: Why did you move Uke? Also the opener looks a bit too relaxy.
The kick has some potential, squeeze everything out of it.
Aqua Vision: The opener and first kick were great, aswell as the decap punch and glute kick.
The split was a bit wierd though. I don't mind grab dms but it looks like a slap.
Undead: Overall, destructive but messy. The shoulder kick was nice though.
I'm fucking rusty :U
Last edited by pusga; Jul 21, 2012 at 05:53 PM.