Does that mean... *sniff* *sniff* We don't talk to each other on MSN no mores?
*runs away and cries in a corner*
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
Playaj, internet is virtual crap, everybody uses it. Why do you waste time on this virtual crap? Toribash is virtual crap, you play it don't you? I don't take lightly to you insulting my eggs bish. It's because you don't have an egg isn't it.
Yay playaj and baku are back!!! ANW when u start school I finish school, I am on vacation for 20 days!!!
It will get boring with everyone in school
Lol we all do expect for wold war 1 and 2 I loved that chapter :P
I trained on TK all day and I got a 10 streak on it
whe-hey, looks whos back (back again) bilza's back ( back again) :P
Fezch: i has an iTouch, but ima jailbroken mine :O i shouldnt be so illiegal :P

i wanna get sony vegas and fraps for my vids, but i dont have shaders so its pointless, atleast till i get a new comp, or if someone can find a driver upggrade for a intel family chipset express 965
Playaj, i see your point. But im happy collecting them for now.

Bilza, good to see you back, why were you away?

Agreed, history does suck, im doing it this year and im failing hard :o