They nerfed vlad because he was essentially like a Heavy in TF2 with 2 pocket Medics. Who could turn into a pool of blood to troll you as he escaped a 4 man gank. He was virtually impossible to kill, could tower dive consistently with little to no repercussions, healed out the ass, and had too much damage for that much sustain.

Riot nerfed mordekaiser because he was impossible to damage so long as there was a constant supply of minions (which is a guarantee as this is a MOBA game). They instead buffed his shield generation on champion hits to allow harass on him during the laning phase, but give him the same team fight capabilities.

ahahahahaaa.... i agree... not rlly... vlad wasnt OP after his second nerf...
he did good dmg and was beefy enough lategame:
he is so underpowered now

mordekaiser NEVER WAS OP
get over it... strong laning fucking bad teamfight...
sweet farm but so easy to gank and so easy to ignore if not fed... its like yorick...
yeah my english sucks... i am feeling sorry for that
Akali, Brand, and Morgana all have insanely good burst damage and two of them have good team fight utility. They can outlane almost anybody past level 6, by level 3 for brand and morgana. However, they aren't impossible to lane against/kill. Therefore, while not exactly OP, they are still insanely good champions. As such, that's why they're picked.

doesnt mean they are broken and need to be changed... such as cv and flash are going to be... this doesnt belong to balancing its just general game design... i actually dont like this kind of changes too much... sorry thats just me i think... i also think riot should react to 700 downvotes
Last edited by pinheads; Nov 7, 2011 at 09:54 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
Please... stop using... so many dots... its fucking... annoying... you know... ?.... .....

Just played 3v3 ranked game, we pwnd them.

Me- Ezreal, of course.
2 friends - Brand and Malphite


Jax, Kat and Mundo
Originally Posted by pinheads View Post
ahahahahaaa.... i agree... not rlly... vlad wasnt OP after his second nerf...
he did good dmg and was beefy enough lategame:
he is so underpowered now

I miss my pre-nerf vlad, especially when you could stack hextech revolvers ;_;


the match was originally 5v4 and I got to solo down against gangplank and kayle
Surprisingly, everything went better than expected
incredibly, they sucked even more than me.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
well people dont play morde cause they dont want. Morde is still powerfull, not just as good in as he was in lane and in ub3r tanking
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