Going Ezreal in 3v3 with Kassadin and Vayne against Trynda, Eve and Sivir.
Sivir and Eve pwned them bot line, I was doing fine with solo top against Trynda.
Then, they started to whine that I am not helping. I tried my best, but without finishing my Triforce as core item I am lack of power. I ganked bot, Sivir died.. sadly, Eve finished Vayne and Kass. I managed to run away with E/Flash, then they started to whine at me that I do shit.
As soon as I managed to get Triforce+Black Clever+Half of Inf Edge build (that cape and that sword), I could jump into Sivir and Evelyn without any problem. Then.. Then they was telling me gj to the end. Oh god, people, some patience here. Please.