Originally Posted by JorreI14 View Post
Well, on an unrelated note, who here watches Clannad? I just play the interactive game thingy.

OMGWTF IT's my favorite anime
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
*Raises hand*

Really? I thought you'd go Naruto on my ass. Since "Naruto" can kick my list off the charts.
Rappunk said I need to put him on my sig :P
"So what if I lied? At least I'm honest about it."
Lol I can't wait for Naruto's next episode and not watch anime for a full week! What'cha think I would watch? Pokemon? xD
Pokemon shouldnt be called an anime anymore :P
Last edited by souldevilj; Aug 16, 2011 at 02:13 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
If you really watched Clannad, what happened so far?

And I agree, the Pokemon anime series shouldn't be called an anime.
Rappunk said I need to put him on my sig :P
"So what if I lied? At least I'm honest about it."
I haven't watched much. Considering Naruto is the Best :P (yes I have gone Naruto on your ass) infact.. episode 3 is what Im up 2 reason I didnt comment much apart from (*raises hand*) Although I may watch more tonight when I go back to my uncles. I have a dongle so I can't watch it when I want :P <-- I use this website. I do watch it honestly :P You kinda put me on the spot there :P
I don't really like Naruto anymore.
I think they're just trying to milk the series, it's been going on for so long now.
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.