Christmas Lottery
View Poll Results: Kto ma dzis odpasc??(z tych nie aktywnych)
1 Votes / 4.76%
2 Votes / 9.52%
2 Votes / 9.52%
5 Votes / 23.81%
2 Votes / 9.52%
9 Votes / 42.86%
Voters: 21. You may not vote on this poll
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I think this is place for me, ale jestem Polish, so nie wiem where i have to postować
best vlad in plat V Kappa
kat <3
(something fucked up, that's why I'm giving the adress)
Name: Adaś / Drashi
Age: 16
Belt: 4th Dan Black Belt
Favourite mod: Aikido
Do you have any Art/Video making skills?: Yes, I'm into Photoshop. I give advices and I help with using it.
What can you offer us?: Ugh, I don't know... myself? xd
Why do you want to join?: After my old clan collapsed i didn't want to join to any other clan. I made a brake, but it's over now. That's it.
How often do you play toribash? [1-7 days in week]: Now i do have planty of free time. I could play often if i want, but I can't say how much i will play.
Something about me:I'm a player who has quite big experience. I play for about 3 years (with 2-years break xD). I have to remind some things.
I speak english, but not too much.
The End.
2 Singleplayer replays:
2 Multiplayer replays:
These are made quick, i gave some from mp too. I have new computer and i lost all my rpls - that's why I'm giving something weak.
Last edited by Drashi; Aug 17, 2011 at 02:51 PM.
Originally Posted by pizdu View Post
This is the only place (w/o) invade thread where we are using english.
I want to check your communication skills (i want to check that you won't bring us any shame, but you can make it by the other ways).

Ciekawe czy się wkurzysz Pizdu :P (jak uznasz to za spam, albo nie chcesz burdelu, to usuń ten post)

Pizdu's EDIT: Jasne, że tak. Ale drashi już wie, że ma to poprawić. Zdał test ingame. Wysyłam zapa.
Soreu's EDIT: Ahhh :P
Pizdu's EDIT: Nie kozacz, bo ja w tym klanie moge tak w każdym poście A ty tylko w swoich
Miroke's EDIT: Myślisz, że świecisz Pizdu? Też tak moge i jakoś się tym nie chwalę. ;P
Soreu's EDIT: Czemu kurna w moim poście?! xD
Last edited by Soreu; Aug 17, 2011 at 05:49 PM.
Name (Real/Nick): Patryk/Sciechu
Age: 16
Belt: 4th dan
Favorite mods: Lenshu3, aikido, tk/kickbox
Do I have any Art/Video making skills?: I rather say no.
What can i offer to your clan: Well I'm kind of good in replay making, I'm also pretty old member (2008) so I can share my experience with new members.
Why I would like to join: I was inactive for some time and now I decided it's time to comeback.
How often do I play toribash? [1-7 days in week]: 3-4
Something about me (additional infos): As I said I was here before most of you joined tb but I had looong break, unfortunately due to all those rollbacks, hacks etc I lost almost everything I had. I was in [Goi] and [BoD]. Now I want to play tb again but there's no fun if you have nobody to play with. I hope you help me with finding fun again.
Replays (lost most of them but I found some on pendrive, too bad I can't post my best ones.):
Attached Files
sciechu_mp_1.rpl (74.2 KB, 12 views)
sciechu_mp_2.rpl (79.4 KB, 7 views)
sciechu_sp_1.rpl (136.7 KB, 9 views)
sciechu_sp_2.rpl (180.5 KB, 8 views)