I don't.
They're from a comic called "The Li'l Depressed Boy" created by Steven Struble and Sina Grace. I'm quite the follower for some time now and as you can see, I do enjoy the looks of the main character. Both avatars are a cut of some comics... Just seemed appropriated to me to use them as avatars, that's all.
Thinking about it... I may have not given the appropriate rights to the authors but I also don't plan in claiming as art of mine anyway.
So yeah... Now you know.
Also for those interested:
Edit 2:
You might have made that question for Hacks... Probably, now that I thought.
Well... At least you get to know more than one answer.
And that's good, right?
Last edited by Hayz; Apr 17, 2014 at 02:58 AM.