View Poll Results: agree
9 Votes / 64.29%
2 Votes / 14.29%
i'd rather leave
3 Votes / 21.43%
Voters: 14. You may not vote on this poll
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Eu năo to entendendo merda nenhuma do que vocęs tăo falando! Será que da pra traduzir pelo amor de deus? Maldito Monte Negrense que trabalha no R-I-F-T e que fica falando um monte de coisas estranhas em línguas completamente esquecidas pela a humanidade, também conhecido como Bojan, so que com um 8 no lugar do B e um 4 no lugar do A. Que coisa mais retardada ¬¬

Běžte do prčic s těma vašima kecama kerejm nerozumim !! Ikdyž tomu co říká BOJAN docela rozumim.. Ale fakt jako, když už cete mluvit multi-jazykově tak dobře.. Grayve je asi brazilec co ??

Multi - language !
"Roses are red violets are blue, if I had a brick I'd throw it at you." -Stewie
Let's just say... Nabi doesn't give a fuck what you think. Their game their rules.
Not giving a fuck about hurricanes is pretty badass - Fee

They're trying to make TC more valuable again. Like when 5k we're 1$. All the TC lost trying to rob, is deleted, also the 5% in the bank. Soon, TC will be better then gold O.O
