7110- actually, its 0117... just my 0117 account is permabanned anyway,

01-january (first month)
17-the day

means january 17, my BIRTHDAY!!!!
The Best Thing to do To be More Inteliigent is.....
Pick a nose in a circle direction.
Everyone looks at my name and automatically assumes that it was named after the German tank, but actually Panzer was the name of my imaginary friend from when I was a kid (yeah I'm sure YOU had one too... shush), and that imaginary friend was named after that armoured spear dude from Rakion (Panzer).

At that time my in-game name was normally LupineSoul (Soul of the Wolf, or something like that), so when I eventually grew out of having that imaginary friend I decided to combine the names so that I would never forget him.

Hence Panzer Soul
Wolf because my last name is wolf, in my country's language(portuguese).
People call me by my last name, and I like wolves too, so I just picked it, translated to english because it sounds better and more people will understand, and ta-da.
Roses are orange, violets are green, I am colorblind and can't rhyme.
Elvis= My real name.
free my melanin-enhanced fellow bobby shmurda
Kony's #1 Shooter
8:21 PM <duck> I'll touch your market all over

August Ames didn't die for this
Shouldn't be to hard to figure out mine...
Big Bang Theory: In the beginning there was nothing....which exploded... Creationists: If everyone shares the same imaginary friend, he must be real...
You both sound ridiculous so stop arguing...
I needed a name to sign up for a sight and I was 8. It was I just thought of this name out of the back of my head and found it catchy.