Ahh I see what you mean, since he was a past member he is trusted, I trust him of course, I thought there would be an app involved. Gah im way too used to the old ways lol sorry.
CRASH3R - Perfectly imperfect. [UFC] It's a long road to glory.
Activity (in game and forums-HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW): ingame medium forum high
Why do you wanna join? (put some effort into this): I wnt throygh the clans and ive been very actinve on the clans and i've seen MFR really active and friendly. So i thought i would give it a shot. MFR is one of the most best clans to me also You should accept me because i am very easy to become friends with. I am loyal, respectfull also skilled.
Are you respectful?: Oviously
Do you swear overall loyalty?: Yes I do
Do you make textures?: No
How will you benefit the clan?: I can make your clan more skillfull. I can help your clan. I can give helpful suggestions. I can make alot of changes to help you clan.