It's all about spending your resources as soon as your getting them really. The better your macro gets, the more units you get out in a period of time (aside from timing attacks you should scout).
Really the difference between bad players and good players aside from not building counter units is their macro.
Need help? Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3 I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R Just Use Thunder!
yeah, that's exactly how i felt playing against better players. they just had more "stuff", although i didn't see any major mistakes in my play. well, i guess i just have to play more :v
Also learning to micro helps. If you play terran and struggle vs banelings. The custom games have a Marine Micro game, where you spread marines vs banelings.
i have kinda decent blink micro and okay-ish overall unit control, i don't feel that i need to work on it (though i play this UMS sometimes). i mean, macro and mechanics are way more important.
PTR sucks for me, I don't know if I said it before, but it does.
All the maps are pretty much the same to me, not much strategy adjustments are needed when I play.
I don't really look forward to this new season...