Nickname: TarZan
Realname: Taran(lol,i kno,my tori name.)
Location: oregon,USA
Clan:None =(
Quote:"your mom".
You're a nut! You're crazy in the coconut!
Nickname : Dbuhos & Dubs
Real Name : Ninjas don't tell anyone their names.
Age : 14
Location : Romania
Clan : Sigma
Fav quote : "Who died and made you fucking king of the zombies?"
Fav drink : Coca Cola <3

Hurr hurr
Centuries Of Damn
Nickname: Meuhgo,Mongo
Realname: Montgomery (For the story,im the only french who is named like this x) )
Age: 20
Location: France
Clan: FROG
Quote:Why is so pleasuring to fuck without condom?Because we take both main risks: To give the life and to catch the death.
Frederic Beigbeder
Originally Posted by dbuhos View Post
Why wouldn't I be a ninja at my age ?

You're just not ninja full stop.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Nickname: JinxZ
Realname: Daren
Age: 15
Location: United States.
Clan: None.
Quote: "Although, I do not fully agree with your opinions and beliefs, I am willing to fight to the death to protect them." -Seth Green
