Hmm. I'm kinda neutral on this one. On one hand, I honestly don't think you're that good at the game, and your posts are less than average for someone who's been playing as long as you have. I also don't like that you take breaks. For all we know you could take a "Break" in the middle of being in our clan.

And Deak told me in his experience with you in his clan that you spam quite a lot in the DSC. If you were to get accepted, that would stop immediately. And I also understand that you JUST left Marines, and you come to apply to a clan instantly.

On the other hand, you have been playing a long time, I haven't played you ingame much so I don't really know your skills. But I don't see you streaking or anything like that in bet rooms.

I'll stay neutral for now. We'll see what the others think.
Originally Posted by boltgod View Post
Hai guys... My name is Jaimee but obivously it's boltgod on here, but you can call me bolty or just plain bolt. Hmmm let's see. A little about me; I'm 16, a junior, a girl, and I love people <3. Just kidding. I just got back into toribash like, a month ago? Since then I've joined Marines but I quit because I want to be in a forum active clan. Oh and my only other alt is boltgodess. You guys seem like a cool bunch foxy cheetahs... My favorite mod is probably ABD. I used to be in TA way back when. I would say that I'm pretty freaking active in the forums and in-game. But if I'm in-active for a while it's because of school and/or soccer. I've been playing since 2010 and I'm a 3rd dan... anyways hope you cool people accept me :3

This doesn't look like it has much effort to it, so I'm gonna just cut to it and vote no.
Poor app, just left a clan and applied here, Deak says you spam too much, and the gran finale:

I would say that I'm pretty freaking active in the forums and in-game.

Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 642

A not-so-big NO brah
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E ouço del sempre falar
well gabrielll I used to have around 1,800 but the rollback a while ago put me to like 300 posts. Also Deak is a liar. All my posts in the Marines DSC were not spam but whatever.
Originally Posted by boltgod View Post
well gabrielll I used to have around 1,800 but the rollback a while ago put me to like 300 posts¹. Also Deak is a liar. All my posts in the Marines DSC were not spam² but whatever.

¹ - I'll do a research about it. Toribash was hacked in Dec. 2010, your join date is Jun 2010, if you really reached 1,800 posts in 5~6 months you are awesome. Also, postcounts get lower when an admin DELETES a board, and it normally doens't take 1,500 posts of someone.

² - Will check it tomorrow. If you DID spam the DSC, you are not loyal calling your ex-leader an liar.

G'night mangs
Last edited by gabrielll; Apr 11, 2013 at 07:27 AM. Reason: I keep using the wrong codes
Pois nasci nunca vi amor
E ouço del sempre falar
Well in order to get a yes from me you are going to have to prove to me that you are gonna be around for awhile and stay active. Plus you are gonna have to change that signature of yours....

Although if Gabe's research proves that you are a liar its an automatic no from me.


Automatic no. You are currently in Marines, I don't do clan hoppers, and I'm not a huge fan either. Not very good ingame either. Looks like you wont be joining Rust anytime soon.

To add, I can't even be sure you're a girl since the likes of PiePwn. So that just enhances the no for now, and that's just weird if you are a guy.
nothing much

Ok, just made a research:

¹ - I couldn't find a real reason for your postcount go to 0.

² - SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM / Nice way to leave a clan.

You do spam a lot, I was just brownsing in the Marines forum. And almost ALL of your other posts are 1 sentence long.

Now I can give a extra-size-omega-wibbles NO to you bro.
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E ouço del sempre falar
