Hai guys... My name is Jaimee but obivously it's boltgod on here, but you can call me bolty or just plain bolt. Hmmm let's see. A little about me; I'm 16, a junior, a girl, and I love people <3. Just kidding. I just got back into toribash like, a month ago? Since then I've joined Marines but I quit because I want to be in a forum active clan. Oh and my only other alt is boltgodess. You guys seem like a cool bunch foxy cheetahs... My favorite mod is probably ABD. I used to be in TA way back when. I would say that I'm pretty freaking active in the forums and in-game. But if I'm in-active for a while it's because of school and/or soccer. I've been playing since 2010 and I'm a 3rd dan... anyways hope you cool people accept me :3
I would say that I'm pretty freaking active in the forums and in-game.
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 642
well gabrielll I used to have around 1,800 but the rollback a while ago put me to like 300 posts¹. Also Deak is a liar. All my posts in the Marines DSC were not spam² but whatever.