now i'll have to get used to writing mm/dd/14 everywhere :c

Buying/Selling heads by great artists? Shoot me a PM
Back from a short out of town trip. Didn't get the chance to post that I was leaving so sorry about that :/. Anyway, happy new year guys.
My resolution is stay with my girlfriend until at least next year, hers was the same. (we made it together n' such.) Also better grades.
FusedPixel and Neodymium are now trials.
Last edited by Aracoon; Jan 1, 2014 at 02:03 PM.
Woah... I just got back from a party... I'm totally wasted but it was so worth it... best party ever o/
How was your new year guys?
"You have every right to be offended, just don't cry when no one cares."
Originally Posted by aracoon View Post
My resolution is stay with my girlfriend until at least next year, hers was the same. (we made it together n' such.) Also better grades.
FusedPixel and Neodymium are now trials.

welcome fusedpixel and neodynium. we will be watching you.

Originally Posted by damano1 View Post
Woah... I just got back from a party... I'm totally wasted but it was so worth it... best party ever o/
How was your new year guys?

it was ok. a lot of alcohol, few games, watermelons, etc.

Originally Posted by Neodymium6 View Post
Well my resolutions are to get a girlfriend and better grades, and thank you for accepting me 030

in case you're not aware that relationships inevitably lead to breaking up, well they do. now you know.
better grades is one I can sympathize with.