Illuminiati is love, Illuminiati is life Xd
Omfg yesturdays skype was amazing.
Morning - Hailing hattler
Morningish - Boku ** Piko (Yooooooooooooo)
AfterNoob - Alot of sales going between us
Kinda late - Tits are love, Tits are life
Kinda late - Hentai ....#RipMyClanHentai #FkUSiku >_>
Kinda late - Melquart calling me a scruba diver x100000
Comparing yesterdays skype to todays, Its like yesterday we let out all our frustration and today we are chill again xD
Okai I you are certain.
Summary Of Today's Skype:
How complicated girls are
How girls over react to many things
What 99% of girls these days like to seek for in this generation
Kradel attempt at breasts for an emblem.
Ac00sed takes us on a 'small' journey.
We discover illuminati.
This is where I left