Originally Posted by B4CKST4B View Post
Ayy james

Hai dood. How's life goin' for ya?

Pretty Good just went to the movies. You?
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
Well, I guess I'm alright, aside from the fact that our internet is so slow I can't even connect to a multiplayer room
Heart of Gold
Heya.. made some updates in the team section.. first of all, I deleted all team-members who get kicked in the kickin'week. Then I added GrAmOf0n to the MGMT as a replay master. Tobreak became an aikido master. TimmyboyG became a rk-mma master and B4CKST4B (a little late) became a wushu master.

I want to remind you guys, that the Teams are an important part of our clan.
Except the BMT and MRT you can apply to every team. Just leave an app in the concerned thread.
Last edited by BBKing; Feb 7, 2015 at 11:50 PM.
I had a idea to dedicate a full day where the monks just can train in various mods.
I kniw that the internet is slow where B4CKST4B and Mamafeeds live so we could to do it when their Internet is back at its normal speed.
On this day we can host some small ingame tourneys in different mods, both official and fun mods.
We can then all work on our techniques and give eachother tips.

To bring some tc to the clanbank we can let members host betting servers and make the clanbank the owner of the room.

Also the Event Making event is almost over. You have a week some enter.
Last edited by TimmyboyG; Feb 8, 2015 at 01:05 AM.

i am a bird now - Lil B

Originally Posted by TimmyboyG View Post
Hmm, nice. How did you do that? By selling art, dueling bets, buying tc? It depends how.
I mean it's easy to buy some tc so that isnt that good. But winning that much by dueling is pretty good.

Sold stuff and Steam stuffs
Semi-Pro Counter Strike Player.