View Poll Results: Mascot choice?
Sketchy Giraffe
1 Votes / 11.11%
Guelphy Gryphons
1 Votes / 11.11%
6 Votes / 66.67%
an egg
1 Votes / 11.11%
Voters: 9. You may not vote on this poll
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thanx haha but check this out and sick punch btw
Last edited by oreoowen; Apr 9, 2012 at 07:37 AM.
It's good but they both look the same.

Who wants to see who goes the longest? (most flips).
Attached Files
1 I was bored okay..rpl (32.7 KB, 7 views)
did u watch the end of done with it?
nvm they are the same i messed up ill upload the finished one later
Last edited by oreoowen; Feb 12, 2012 at 04:38 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Belt(Black Belt or Higher Preferred)RANK MEANS NOTHING WE DONT CARE:Black belt
Best mods(Judo, wushu,tk, aikido, parkour,ect):wushu,akido
Why you want to join(Do i need to explain):I want to join because this clan is very active and has a cool name :3
Infractions(Just so we know who we'll dealing with):Never banned
Also i need three replays posts without replays will be shunned:Below
Last edited by Bloodstic; Jul 12, 2012 at 06:32 PM.