[02:39] <cozzakilll> If you are going to be here please don't talk
[02:39] <@Toon> Quality posts beat yours by a longshot.
[02:39] <cozzakilll> I know
[02:40] <@Toon> I have every right to talk so do not say that bs.
[02:40] <@Toon> Almost all my posts are helpful to my clan or allies.
[02:40] <cozzakilll> Well just query then because i dont need interuptiond
[02:40] <@Toon> Or friends
[02:40] <@Toon> And see This is considered ignorance.
[02:40] <cozzakilll> One sec refreshing page, my stupid phone
[02:41] == cozzakilll [
[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[02:41] == cozzakilll [
[email protected]] has joined #Extreme
[02:41] <@Toon> I will speak when I very well want to.
[02:41] <cozzakilll> It's annoying and childish, is thag what you are?
[02:42] <cozzakilll> Because i believe your are over 18
[02:42] == cozzakilll was kicked from #Extreme by Toon [want annoying and childish?]
He deserved it.