Originally Posted by NewButterz View Post
Fuck it, i lost all my shit on my acc. Im leaving toribash, peace. See you like next year or 6 somthin months from now :L

Why Butterz whyyyyyyyy .

Also. I talked to L3rk before he went inactive about kicking inactive people (ironic?) and gave him a list of people to be kicked (5 or 6 members) based on how active they are. I'm going to go ahead and kick them as soon as I can. They do nothing good for us, and they're probably making [Legend] look bad. I had a player tell me that ALL Legendary members shovel, and I know for a fact that the members that post here do not shovel 24/7. So that leads me to believe that our inactive members are shovelers and are brining the clan's already bad reputation down.
dude PM the one's that are kicked to tell them why personally. also what is shoveling? is it a move or something to do with the fourms?
Leader of nothing
BTW emo I dont shovel. And why are you gona kick players who are shoveling, And this style is a stlye.
Its akido move wher you are like throwing out your opent but its hard to do if you dont know to do it, but if you know its hard to block.
Alright guys im back! Sorry it took me so long to finsh the project. Lets get back right!
want a events planer? well pm me !~forever a slave to the gods!