Originally Posted by Course View Post
anyone here play league of legends? pls.

may sry pls forgive me

Very rarely
And unless you play on OCE, we can't play together.
Originally Posted by Arthur View Post
Not into mobas, so no.
I'm almost excited for overwatch, btw.
Doubt I'll enjoy it that much, though.

Wasn't Overwatch canceled?
If not, then it was some game by Blizzard that I don't remember the name of.

Game I was thinking of is called Titan

Also, I have an Xbone now.
It's a massive pos that requires internet for everything, possibly even to turn on.
Regretting the decision to buy it, but it was expensive so I'm attempting to overlook all the problems
Because I'm dumb in regards to pc hardware. Dunno what to get, etc.

And all the pre-built pc's that I could buy locally cost ~$1500. And would still require me upgrading the gfx cards, apparently.


Holy crap, I just won one of the auto-tourney things ;o
Still good at tb? I think not
Last edited by kameron; Nov 5, 2015 at 07:02 PM.
Originally Posted by kameron View Post
Because I'm dumb in regards to pc hardware. Dunno what to get, etc.

Literally find a PC whizz and just ask them
that's what I did

building was a whole lot easier than I thought
Building a pc is just like playing with legos.
Except you can fuck up majorly... sometimes...
If you have common sense, you should be ok, though.
Googling usually helps too.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Originally Posted by Arthur View Post
Building a pc is just like playing with legos.
Except you can fuck up majorly... sometimes...
If you have common sense, you should be ok, though.
Googling usually helps too.

All I needed to guide me was my motherboard's manual and my cpu fan's manual
didn't know how to do anything except put in a new GPU and my case was unfamiliar to me, still did it right first try

hardest part is getting the right parts
nothing sucks more than building a PC and finding out it won't run the games you want
Originally Posted by Hush View Post
Literally find a PC whizz and just ask them

I did.
Asked him to make a list of parts and he never got around to giving me the list.

I'd get onto him, but this was at a mates' 18th and I don't have a way to get onto him.
Originally Posted by kameron View Post
I did.
Asked him to make a list of parts and he never got around to giving me the list.

I'd get onto him, but this was at a mates' 18th and I don't have a way to get onto him.

easier to find someone online to do it
There are also tons of youtube videos for that as well.
Like, "gaming pc for $400/budget gaming pc/etc.".
You can also ask in some forums too. Some reddit boards and/or /g/ could give you some help as well.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Originally Posted by Arthur View Post
Some reddit boards and/or /g/ could give you some help as well.

I don't know how to reddit. Never used it, etc. Might have to.