View Poll Results: Should we Customize our tags?
Hell yeah why not?!?!
1 Votes / 11.11%
No, whait until we optimize the clan more.
8 Votes / 88.89%
Voters: 9. You may not vote on this poll
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@mobi: maybe in a few days. All the other members ought to get something in soon though.

Clan leader, i need a long replay from sometime.
What Steve did is... technically fine, but I still had to download each one individually, which is no different than downloading them here (except I use my download manager to download them all at once when it's here lol)

From now on either rar or zip them, please pm me if you don't know how, it's very simple to learn and do. And also, somewhat directed at espnz but it applies to everybody, you don't need to put your selected replays into a folder before making the rar file. Just highlight all of them and right click->add to archive.

Complaining aside lol, keep it up guys, they're coming in pretty quick this time.
My shop

Yeah sup guys, just wishing you luck with your new video :>
If you guys need help feel free to ask me, i'll answer anything for an old clanmate.
Hmm? I thought dill was leader.
Any kind.

Last update/upload until final release. Should be enough of a preview now.
It will be tweaked some more of course.