thanks for spending your time discussing my app
the suspense is killing me
even though the odds are i wont be accepted
Meanwhile, post some on our board so we get to see your stuff
no homo
Last edited by Hattersin; Jun 9, 2016 at 01:11 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
PM me with any and all questions
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Dan, you can call me Oidan if you'd like.
I am currently twenty-eight years of age and currently live in Florida (GMT-05:00 Eastern Time) with my wife Mary-ann.
I have some nice sparring replays from this year down below vvvv but my strengths or what I think i'm best at is adapting to situations, I love any type of competitive mods but I think i'm mostly good in Lenshu. I've been playing Toribash for a while now about seven years, but that is in total, I did drop mulitplayer a for a while. I love this game a lot, hey, maybe i'll put a ring on it soon, lmao..
As for myself in real life, I currently work as a Personal Account Manager. Me and Mary occasionally go out to Miami to Fish (i'm not the fish person, she is. #HappyWifeHappyLife)We also love to surf, we go a lot to the beach to do that, I usually get distracted because of you know what (The guys know probably) and fall, but hey, good times right? Right...?

Anywho, I hope you guys accept me into this clan of yours.

Attached Files
Destroyed~Kai.rpl (396.4 KB, 4 views)
NabokOidan.rpl (294.1 KB, 4 views)
HeadSplit.rpl (278.1 KB, 4 views)
CloseOne.rpl (127.6 KB, 3 views)
Oh.rpl (66.7 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by Oidan; Jun 10, 2016 at 02:56 AM.
[Team Lenshu]
My life is memes
Sup everyone. Name's Chris, i'm 19 years old , soon to be 20 from Quebec, Canada, so naturally i got eastern timezone (UTC -5), I just cameback to toribash after a while, i had my older account with 1000+ post by the name of wikipo2. it got stolen from me, cause back then i was 13 and i didn't even set an e-mail on it, and i trusted someone and gave him my password. what an idiot!

But in all seriousness i missed this game and the community. So. more about me, i'm an aikido player (well, used to be.) , i also enjoy judo alot. i'm not very good in singleplayer replays but i'm trying to make it work, because i'm a future video editor, and i wanna get better at that as well, so toribash video making would be a fun way for me to develop that skill that is still under practice.

I'm a very guy, i like to joke around and have great conversation with people i like, i speak english and french, french being my primary language.

Sadly, i got no replays to show you guys because i just re-installed the game, and welp, goes the replays with it.

If you're willing to consider me that would be great, i'm looking foward to meeting you all, and if i'm declined, you can bet i'm gonna try my hardest to prove myself and eventually join Obey.

Replays are pretty much in the making, so let's see what i can do after this time of inactivity!

Didn't know what to put as a title. so yeah. guess that'll do.
Last edited by Raindz; Jun 10, 2016 at 07:33 AM.


clarification: Yes, this means you're all denied. All of you.
Last edited by Risk; Jun 12, 2016 at 05:38 AM.