Yeah I totally understand the whole "console if you want to actually get studying done" logic. Man, I've had so many test results ruined due to having Steam just one click away. Never actually thought of it that way haha. Just thought "Borderlands 2 release date? Fck Bio midterms!" (34%).
I think I'm gonna get a PS4 though. Suitemate's already getting an XB1 and our suite has 3 xbox 360's between the 4 of us. Going for the preorder on the XB1 is pretty brave though. You still don't know what they are gonna change before release date, Microsoft has already proven that.
Also, drove the Nurburgring for the first time ever today. Dream come true, BDE. (also rode bitch seat in a Finnish dude's GT-R. 7:50 lap. Fucking INSANE and awesome)