Tell me why. :|

Promotion app bro

Time at current rank:
Reasons why you deserve a promotion:

Sorry man :/ we can't just give out promotions because people ask for them. I know you're an important member but it's hard to keep track of everything each person does for the clan
My shop
Hhhm that was my application. :P
Well I've been at this current rank for like a month or so, I'm very forum active, I promote 42 buy creating sets, replays, etc. I don't techniqually think I deserve a promotion I just think because I'm awesome I should have an awesome rank...
Originally Posted by StellarGod View Post
Hhhm that was my application. :P
Well I've been at this current rank for like a month or so, I'm very forum active, I promote 42 buy creating sets, replays, etc. I don't techniqually think I deserve a promotion I just think because I'm awesome I should have an awesome rank...

You left 42 before. It's gonna take a little more than the stuff you listed to get promoted, if I see you ingame more often I'll promote you :P.
Rogue clown
Guys Edit me to 5th dan. I talked to hampa about mergering my two accounts qi together so they did and now I'm a 5th dan black belt with 5 more games until 6th dan