Ok Destiny I wrote your name with a cap. letter to show a bit more of respect. Anyways how do you even know I have 15. And who said I was 15. My b-day is on March 23rd Year: 1992. Why would I lie. And the application that I applied some months ago, the age was a lie. Why would some guy join OLDA if he doesnt know how to respect, behave or even use a proper language. He wouldnt understand a thing.
I joined OLDA because I knew it was the right place to be, not with a bunch of kids around me. I dont seem like a 18 years old guy because of my grammar. In Argentina
our language is a lot different to yours. And it takes years of practice to talk in a fluid way.
I was in contact with some of your members at ingame. I passed a great time with them. Anyways I dont know why you hate me. If your think Im annoying or stupid dont release your anger with me. Just relax and make a good and nice conversation so we could get to know each other, be in contact or something else. If you dont want me in, thats fine
I just applied again to show what I have changed. Anyways I think that you are the one that hasnt changed at all.
Thank you
~Sir ToRi
Last edited by BioEx; Mar 21, 2010 at 07:37 PM.