Originally Posted by zeddy View Post
eden? as in the tv channel?

Nope, it's the Eden Project.
Dirtnapp: You must have heard this song man.
Yeah, i'm agreeing with everybody. The border, in my opinion, I don't like :P

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

My girlfriend is quite a fan of them. I haven't really listened to much of them though.
Originally Posted by surf View Post
Nope, it's the Eden Project.
Dirtnapp: You must have heard this song man.

Holy shit, so those guys are Vampire Weekend? D:

I actually have that song in my computer somewhere, I´ll check it out later.
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
Need something confirming.
Can anyone confirm that Archery is Treadmill?

I´m pretty sure Archery was in raid, and I think he would have told you guys if he had an alternate account.
| tom |
fcpavao would you send me a pic of yourself then? ;)
also changing border, anyone want to give me a suggestion?
Out of nowhere, I arrive.