Christmas Lottery

you don't actually have to be in the channel


just kidding, you have to be in the channel a lot to even stand a chance of getting into #h

it's a long hard road but well worth it


&player cOrey
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
Invalid response. Please prove your humanity by answering the following question below.

What is your favourite (animal)?
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
You said, (cat).

You will now receive SMS text messages for the app: "Cat Information of the Day!".
Regular rates may apply.
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
you know that's from reddit right
and not even recently that's like 1-2 months old

the irony is hilarious
Mosier: tl;dr gay clothing thoughts