mmm, that shan't(?) be hard, I'm constantly posting, engars constantly posting, your...posting...
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
thats his decision though, not yours. hes a loyal member anyways, like mirrage, why didnt you think we kicked him from inactiveness? because he was one of the favorites in the clan, spartas had alot of experience here
CRASH3R - Perfectly imperfect. [UFC] It's a long road to glory.
lol at least im posting, i like your improvements on activeness, keep this up you might get a rank up
CRASH3R - Perfectly imperfect. [UFC] It's a long road to glory.
Originally Posted by CRASH3R View Post
thats his decision though, not yours. hes a loyal member anyways, like mirrage, why didnt you think we kicked him from inactiveness? because he was one of the favorites in the clan, spartas had alot of experience here

okay, lets be honest here.

most of greeks fans left, we he left.

I don't hate Spart, but I don't like him. he's a neutral.

I don't think Engars to fond of him,

and I think boob doesn't care.

his post count is 0.62 and he has not been on in a day. (I know I sound like a natzi, but the fact is that his post count is 222)

how is he loyal? Loyal members, think for themselves, and least 7 posts a week, which isn't that much. you don't even need that, just the odd, 2 sentence long post here would also be cool.

you didn't me because I was active, and I said sorry for inactiveness, and am now, rather active.


theres my rant, hopefully you see where I'm comeing from...
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
spartaman is not loyal, i mean seriosly, a white belt is more active than him.
Banksta (Reekondub) [Piratez]
to be honest, I don't care much for ranks. I'm up for a promotion, but sadly, don't care.

anyway, I'm rather tired, and I think am going to turn in...

Night people.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
well you guys dont even know what real true loyalness is, its not all activeness. he stuck with the clan for awhile, near when i joined here, and he actually stayed with the clan, besides berfore you guys, the clan kept him because we liked him.
CRASH3R - Perfectly imperfect. [UFC] It's a long road to glory.
ya i love this thread. damn i gotta catch up on u guys and its only been an hour :P
Banksta (Reekondub) [Piratez]
I understand where your comeing from but, Insults are should not, really be used in this situation.

Just saying, I don't mind insults used in a logical situation but not in a just "he sucks" kind of way.

Ok, I'm really friggin tired.

almost last post...

EDIT: fucking ninja'd...

I don't hate him, just give him....5 days to post 5 things. a post a day, hell you could easily do 5 posts, in 1 day. I've done like 30...
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
well, i already kikt surfaboy out for deleting our clan(i dont need permission to kik him for that), and spartaman, he has to have 500posts
Banksta (Reekondub) [Piratez]