I am on a crusade to fix all of your sentences, starting now.
Also, I can't get credits through the game because I can't play the game because the game is stupid. However, after I get caught up in school again, I might brush the dust off of GIMP and start photo-shopping again, which could potentially lead to some profit.
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
Especially for me, needing them textures and such o.o

btw, that's gonna be fun to check xD
Last edited by Sarutobi; Dec 10, 2011 at 01:23 AM.
[elite]Sarutobi: I had a lvl 10 testicle... best day of my life
There are some things harder to correct than others, but I will correct them all. For instance, I didn't know if you forgot the E in especially on purpose or not, so I threw it in anyway.
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
Thanks, planning to make it gif image. Something like rainbow lamp usertitle
Its possible to get it if you got Tp/Vip though