View Poll Results: We want a name change, but should we change just the tag or the name and the tag?
Just the tag
17 Votes / 17.53%
Name and tag
34 Votes / 35.05%
I like the name and tag
46 Votes / 47.42%
Voters: 97. You may not vote on this poll
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hai Dragon glad to have you here in vanquish especially glad to have you fighting next to me in wars !
Resten fixar jag
Resten fixar jag
Resten fixar jag

Rythm is my bby simp queen;"""3
we are having a boxshu war jo taco if you want to fight
Last edited by Pimp; Aug 12, 2015 at 04:24 AM.
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”
guys turns out the war is 25 so join taco we rlly need help to win and were gonna be here a long time the score is vq 3 and vs2 right now
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”
Originally Posted by Virus View Post
I was gonna join the war in boxshu, but they where being children so i left .

Well, I think that was the wisest thing to do.

Well damn you were right those people are annoying as hell.

I love how I just instantly got banned
Last edited by Shadow; Aug 12, 2015 at 05:23 AM.
It's not that Sledge, I haven't gone into the interview yet. They have yet to contact me about scheduling an interview. I'll let it pan out for now, my friend works their and he says the manager is having a hard time because of something going on. So he doesn't have the time to schedule an interview.
I am an Otaku, I am Neet Employed, I am... NYAN GOD!!!!