Originally Posted by Sora View Post
Bois. Boost the activity

Yes sir
I'm back on that bull like the cowboy
[Zero] [Parrot] [NOT] [TANG]
akina | oaky | haku | max | suka | static
Dang, well I hope your able to fix this issue. I wonder why it started....
NF- "You don't like me? that makes two of us"

Well definitely let us know what happens, and let us know when you find out what caused such a mess.
NF- "You don't like me? that makes two of us"

Yes, but of course. Well other then this barrier of misfortune, how are you? As I should ask you and the rest of our established members. How is everyone?

By the way, I have recovered my old laptop and will soon post a great deal of replays into the replay thread. I just have to make a purchase of a charger. Also after I am able to post the replays I will try to sell two (I think) two fully jointed sets and 60% of the TC that I make from sed sets shall be donated to the treasury.

Quick question:
Is Discord down or something?
The reason why I ask is because It is no longer responding.. Is anyone else having that issue or is it just me?
Last edited by Posiden; Dec 7, 2019 at 09:52 PM.
NF- "You don't like me? that makes two of us"

Yeah discord was down for me too, apparently due to some issue with the Google servers or whatever.

Also ya boy's in the cult now I guess.
I'm back on that bull like the cowboy
[Zero] [Parrot] [NOT] [TANG]
akina | oaky | haku | max | suka | static
The "cult" he says. Look at it as you wan't, but sir we are NOT a cult. XD
NF- "You don't like me? that makes two of us"