Real ashe players take revive and promote.
Clairvoyance and Flash*
Support Ashe babysitting an AD Sona is just deadly. Constant pokes, and two long stun ultimates. Not only that, but the constant slow and map awareness the two provide.
Support Ashe babysitting an AD Sona is just deadly. Constant pokes, and two long stun ultimates. Not only that, but the constant slow and map awareness the two provide.
nerf pls
My friend actually has a 75% win rate (or something) (it's only something like 3 wins one loss but oh well) as support ashe in ranked.
maybe going to give my account away to some lucky random person:
70champs(bout 20-30 with skins) 5full runepages, 1350elo(heeeelllll)and now bout 6k IP (100rp)
God why me??
I hate this moments when you start a game and everyone is picking a tanky ad, and if you say something like "You guys should seriously pick some ap otherwise we gonna fail hard" the reactions are always: "stfu n00b" :/
Pubs just suck