We should kick assoi98 too, he doesn't post here although he checks the forums every day . He just wrote here when and sent him the warning but he keeps doing the same so its like if he wasn't on fake, completely useless from my point of view
There is a funny fact about the video , the guys that sings thinks he is sexy when he is all ugly , and they don't know how to dance , but is very funny.
mang, who are you to judge people
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the guys that sings thinks he is sexy when he is all ugly , and they don't know how to dance
Originally Posted by Yosua3110
Giving comments is legal, isn't it?
And I think that oppa gangnam style is getting famous because it's characteristics.
comments are legal yes, but who the fuck is he to judge people and say they're ugly? lets have a picture of dax? I'll probly piss my pants
Can't dance? yes they can, its fucking hilarious.
I just don't like people who judge others for no reason mk?
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