Seeing as Rutten forced this down my throat, and that all of you seem to like it I have devised a application sort of thing for Promotions. Basically you fill out the application and if the leaders deem you worthy you move on. I still has some kinks but they will be worked out later on. Also should we let higher ranks promote lower ranks to a rank below there own? I do't think so but it is a valid point so GrayveXP help me out on that so here goes the form.
So you want a Promotion:Follow that and don't be an idiot and you will get evaluated.
Current Rank:
Rank You Want To Achieve:
Why You Feel You Deserve Said Rank:
What Have You Done For The Clan:
How Long Have You Been In The Clan:
Thank You and Bueno Suerte.
- Kryo.
Do not post other things or discuss about promotions here, only post your application here, nothing else.