Felt like showing up, hey.

So did that court thing happened or what?
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Over this week, I'll be selling all my items and by wednesday (or the following next two days), I'm hosting a tournament and you're welcome to join me as well on this shameless plug to the clan because who gives a shit, right? Might as well try it.
Let me know if you're into it because I'm doing it for reals, alright.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Update time.
Going to end up with 34k by the end of the sale.
24k for prizes and decap prize sounds swell.

edit: I lied... 32969 TC. Time to resist the urge to don't buy something meanwhile.
Last edited by Hayz; Aug 19, 2014 at 05:20 PM.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
what day are you having the tourney? I'd be more than happy to join you. Mind you I have to be out of work.

And I'm currently working 8am to 5pm -5gmt, so times a little funky for me
Any day is ok but not weekends.
Also there's 692 messages on my inbox... gonna do some time traveling and possibly showing the best stuff (if there's really something worthy there).

Memory lane:
- joined up on 23rd march... got black belt on17th april. 25 days to be precise. an average of 40 daily matches were played.
- 3rd dan achieved on 20th may. 33 days. average of 60 games per day.
- 5th dan achieved on 24th june. 35 days. average of 57 games per day.
- 10th dan: 8th of may, 2011.
- 18th may 2010, first post on forum, first infraction. posted due a request by a friend and i didn't know much about the forums system at the time.
- joined my second clan: fish (after being on [SOS]) around june 2010... no exact dates and couldn't find any posts or messages. I was still pretty unknown at the time but made it in because of a person. here's a thread with me on it that still subsists: I don't think I ever delivered any prizes... oops.
- no messages between 2nd august and 6th december... possibly because when the forum got hacked and a roll out had to occur. probably missed a lot of stuff between oh well. also it was the period i think I was in [C3] which still remains one of my top clans I've been into. [C3] forever. I will look into more history about it.
- [C3] went official at 31st july... I remember being in the clan before that. It was one of the best moments around this game...
- 16th december... bye [c3]. hayz you stupid ass shitface... you and your crazy youth stupid shit in your head. oh boy... I get kicked out the clan on the 20th of december.
- after reading my following posts after quitting, I was like.... GOD FUCKING DAMMIT WHY ARE YOU SO DUMB. yeah... life goes on.

[part 1 ends here... still have a lot of stuff to check and tell... i'll update when I can]
Last edited by Hayz; Aug 20, 2014 at 12:30 AM.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
our million messages back and forth when you refused to join a clan, and it was my only way to keep in contact with you, don't forget those

also, any day works this week as long as it's after 5pm, which should be around 10 your time