Originally Posted by Doxxy View Post
So nate left due to people in this clan being dicks to him for no real reason.

It's pretty stupid to be a dick to your own clan mates for no legit reason. So the next time i see this behavior from anyone will end up on my shit list.

parai com activamento de coutinho decunfiado com estraça que brila enquanto rebolade de carro do pinto do nada
Try at a banner. VERY SIMPLE. Couldn't think of anything besides Briefcase/Suit. Ideas?

Wait this should be in Art shouldn't it?
Last edited by Teknik; Jan 13, 2012 at 10:23 PM.
My heart just wouldn't be in it, you know? haven't got one.
Originally Posted by Alaistier View Post
I read it BEFORE this, but it still doesn't make sense. You know what? Learn to be funny on your own. Don't use some cliched internet meme.

The mentioned meme fit rather perfectly in your frames of "saying random shit" in a sassy yet by no means offensive manner.
You know what two things contradict each other here? You claimed to not have understood the joke because you did not get the reference, yet you claimed for the meme to be 'cliched'. The word 'cliched' carries the connotation 'being overused' which does not go hand in hand with one failing to recognize something which you call cliched.

Perhaps, sometimes one does not amuse a 1000 people without offending a few.

Originally Posted by Teknik View Post
Congrats (: And memes can be funny if not overused imo.


Also I like the banner u made '-' In its simplicity it looks very neat. I could use something similar as my icon-picture, if you could make one ;)

Originally Posted by Slanesh View Post
Back from my 134135 week vacation guys.(If you even noticed that I was gone)
Anyways what's new?

Well, I'm new if you didn't notice yet. :L Hai.
Originally Posted by Milk View Post

I love you too, Milk.

If Natejas can't take some criticism, I don't see why we need him around. I'm going to be blunt about it, like I am with most other things. This is the INTERNET. People are going to criticize other people. If a victim can't stand up for themself, they deserve to be eaten alive. I'll leave it at that.

Jire: I see where you were going with that, now. When I looked it up, I deemed it to be the result of a poor translation from a foreign language to English based on what it was supposed to mean. The cause of this inaccurate transposal was the creation of a confusing, garbled mess of English which, when read in that context, made no sense whatsoever. However, after replacing some words or phrases with synonyms, the true meaning of the sentence could be determined. I thought you were saying my post was similar to that, in the sense that it was difficult to comprehend. I tip my hat to you, sir. I've been educated. (Though the original use of that meme wasn't the sake of "randomness.")
And for the sake of the rest of your argument, I consider all memes to be cliched. If they weren't, they wouldn't be memes, now would they? All memes are a way for people to be funny without really being that creative. Okewl, some dude made a .jpg with a penguin. Ohai, funny caption. Look, a meme. I wish there was more originality.
Last edited by Alaistier; Jan 14, 2012 at 05:33 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Ah, I see. So that was why you got on your toes from my post. No offence given, non taken
To understand the gibberish-like meme-sentence I illustrated formerly you have to have it in its original context though; in a thread where people were discussing the development of game-graphics. The writer of the piece of text might have meant something like "has anyone been as far as having decided to make the game look even more like (reality)?"

Anyway, as I already concluded, feeling I have to repeat it to avoid confusion having written some nitpicking to clarify an aspect of the matter, this was merely a misunderstanding
Last edited by Jire; Jan 14, 2012 at 08:01 AM.
I understand what the original meaning was. That was the main reason I was confused as to why you chose that meme.

Anyway, I'm bored. I ate too many doritos.