Secret Santa 2024

This has been a nice, old and solid clan for some time now. We have been taking care of it for ages now... We are not going to let anybody do what they want using our beloved name... If anyone has any problem with leadership and rules, doors are open for everybody too...

Last edited by AMB; Apr 30, 2010 at 05:01 PM.
Although I think of ourselves as a democratic clan,their are limits:You can't expect to enter a clan newly then fastly have an effective role,you have to kind of work way up,I've learned that,that's life.As Amb said we have been taking care of this clan for some ages,and I would think you should at least ask our opinion about new recruitments,that's the ABSOLUTE minimum.

Last edited by AMB; Apr 30, 2010 at 05:20 PM.

I understand,

1. Im always giving only suggestions. (Maybe I did a lil bit more as to HUNG-J :-p )

2. But the true is, the leaders and important persons from the list..are at this forums max once per month. Only william is here dayly.

3. And about SlipAnc, can he post his opinion about recruitments? Cuz he isnt in clan :-(
If yes,no problem to pm him after a good apllication form was posted.

4. We are getting realy much applications atm. What we have to do after a application was posted? PM you and all the members from the list to have their opinion?

We need a system..


you are too good to be declined ;-)

Wait a bit, until Visnus or Alex post his opinion,try to play with AMB ingame, hes is online mostly 22:00-00:00 GTM+0
name : dragonizer
belt : black
age : 18
clans : none
reason :
°ive never been in a clan
°i want to join cause its an old but awesome clan
replay : my replays are lame
TexasBar gets my yes,he is mature and a good player,although I think we should wait a bit more to take the decision,I'll wait for amb and hollow to vote.