Hey Tear what do want for the Amethyst force?
and btw i hope we have to be official
clan and i'm also working on a banner
for our clan page.
im using gimp really hard just started
:3, anyways I'm too lazy to make my own textures or buy them, that's why their white. I'm gonna donate to the Bank as soon as I get enough tcs as I'm marketing to get more...
At least we tried being official :v It's most probably cause most of out clan members don't post that often... I think it's only like 7 or 8 of us that post regularily...
What is your real name? Chase
What is your Ingame Name? ripxchaos
What Belt are you? brown
How old are you? 14
What mods are you good at? akido
How active are you ingame from 1-10? 9
How active are you on the forum from 1-10? 5
Have you read the rules? YES
Further Information? i go to school with rasmus0813
im not a member... yet, but i have posted a application, which i need to update now. what nationalities are people, anyway? im in the UK, so im at GMT 0.
'David will do what David does. Love it or ask for a refund' ~Korban3, Overgrowth Secret Preorder Forum