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I have been attempting to build a deck with those type of cards. I just can't work out the lands needed.
Depending on the type of deck, you will already know how many lands you need.
As always, a standard deck should always have sixty cards.
If you're playing aggressively, with many cheap-and-fast creatures, you can use around 20 to 22 lands.
If you're playing control, with many answers to your opponent's threats, and a win condition that occurs after many turns have passed, you'll probably want 24 to 28 lands.
If you're playing midrange, relying on creatures and utility spells with converted mana cost between 3 and 6, I've found that 25 lands work quite well.
Land types:
Plains produce white mana.
Islands produce blue mana.
Swamps produce black mana.
Mountains produce red mana.
Forests produce green mana.
Notice that mana and lands are not equivalent. An Elvish Mystic taps to add one green mana to your pool, and it does not allow you to put a forest into play from your library.
If you're playing two or three colours, you will need the dual lands that are in standard right now.
Scry lands (temples)
Shock lands
You will also want Mana Confluence, because it's the best multicolour land in standard.
Keep in mind the number of coloured mana symbols you need, the proportion of lands you have, and your mana curve (how many spells of converted mana cost X you have). This information can all be found with an option to analyze your deck on deckstats.net (check the Deck editor tab on Cockatrice).
Here's an example of the type of information you'll see.