he logged into an account of some person whos password is the same as his name. and that person also stole his artwork too. and hey, check ma new avatar i made it myself
how much memory is this blender app? armino, sir, and can you try to make epic 3d textures using a square shape start and editing it super epicly?
I used to work with 3Ds max and do 3d stuff but now I can't do any shit it's been ages since I haven't done any 3d stuff.
:(){ :|: & };:
I dunno. But I can tell you it won't be much. At least it should be under 1 Gigabytes.
The setup file is 21,024,749 bytes.
:(){ :|: & };:
Originally Posted by Demon View Post
Just wanted to say hi and I told cobra I would keep updating about tume.

How would I know you're tume's cousin and not tume?
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