Originally Posted by TheCarlosR View Post
In spanish,Bueno...Quiero entrar a el clan por que es uno de los mejores clanes que e visto :P bueno tiene gente que juega bien como Moop,Eddy y hay muchos mas que juegan bien no se por que tienen el clan tan bajo en la lista,buenooo seria un honor jugar con ustedes :P responda

Vaya algunas páginas atrás para leer las aplicaciones de los miembros aceptados. Tome esto como una sugerencia. Usted debe incrementar su aplicación un poco.

Originally Posted by SCGtoribro View Post
Name: SCGtoribro
Belt: BROwn Belt
GMT: -5 : 00
Past Clans: Aura (Au)/(Aura)
Special Skills: (Creativity, "Good Saves", Art, Replays)

Previous Nicks or Former Accounts? (If any): --------

Recommendations/Vouchers (eVo & Single Allies): ---------

Mods You're Good At: (Aikido(ect.), Tplmodv, Ninjutsu )

About Yourself: Well I'm pretty active in the forum and game. Can "pull saves from hats", semi realism, sportsmanship, I have some experience with clans.

Why Do You Want To Join [eVo]: Out of all clans I've seen and read on, This clan intrigued me the most. I'd like to join Evolution because; for one, the tag is kinda epic, two, you guys have sparring, and three, I think I would be a decent addition to the clan. I'm not gonna try to say I'm epic at this game and all of that stuff, but what I can say is that I would try with my uttermost power to be a worthwhile recruit.

Can You Spar? (Provide 3+ Replays If Yes): I'd imagine that I'm okay. |

Nice application... but kinda brute yet... needs to polish up with time and experience buddy. Let's wait to see what the members have to say about it.
Last edited by Eddy; Nov 4, 2014 at 03:25 AM.
I put my, "Story" in a spoiler to save room. Now before you read it, or maybe you already have. But understand that I do really like evo. and all of its members and i really would like to be a part of the family : )

Appication for Evolution.

Last edited by Zorow; Nov 4, 2014 at 06:50 AM.
♥Team Aikido♦OoT♣Team Lenshu♠
~Link is my personal Dj
In-game name: TheCarlosR
References: MrCrackz
Belt:3rd Dan Black Belt
Why I want to join [Evolution]:In Spanish Porque me quiero unir a el [eVo]e todos los clanes que es paso y e visto este fue el que mas me llamo la atencion desde un principio.Me gustaria unirme a su clan por que,no hay mucha palabra que decir es epico, todos ustedes son como una familia de maestros y si me dejarian entrar a su familia seria ps no se epiquisimo para mi ustedes son lo maximo,¿por que no estan de primer lugar? si son todos pros, se mas que decir simplemente "EPICO" que es este clan.
Game name: MrCrackZ
References: TheCarlosR
Belt: Black Belt

Why i want to join [Evolution]:In Spanish,
¿Porque me quiero unir a [eVo]?
Recuerdo el primer día que empece a jugar toribash,Entre a un servidor publico sin saber nada del juego y hay encontré a un jugador,Ya no recuerdo su nombre pero si recuerdo una etiqueta al lado derecho de su nombre y esta decía [eVo]este jugador era 5th black belt,Después de que hiciera una asombrosa decapitación y una fantástica pose final,Quede completamente asombrado,Después era mi turno de jugar contra el ja.. lo recuerdo, Yo no hacia nada mas que presionar músculos aleatorias mientras el demostró su especialidad en el juego,Después del 2 turno;Me destrozo el cuerpo.

Yo triste por mi poca habilidad decidí practicar 100 horas contra uke y me prometí a mi mismo ser un miembro de [eVo], Al finalizar mi practica contra mi amigo uke , era white belt pues desde entonces no había jugado mas en modo multi-jugador,cuando fui a un servidor novicio recuerdo que era aikido,Siempre ganaba en este mod, Bueno casi siempre,Desde entonces me di cuenta que mi practica tubo resultado y cumplí esa meta, ¿Pero la meta de unirme a los [eVo]?Seguí jugando y jugando, hasta que ahora soy Black Belt y aun no eh cumplido mi meta.

Creo que ya es hora de poner a prueba mis habilidades y cumplir mi segunda meta ser un [eVo], Me especializo en greykido,aikido,aikidobigdojo,mushu,mushuboxes

¿Porque me quiero unir a [eVo]?:Fácil me quiero unir a [eVo],Porque hasta el momento es la mayor meta que quiero cumplir. Ser del clan [eVo] para mi sera una asaña que marque mi vida en toribash para un antes y un después, Ser un [eVo] es una afirmación de que mi practica a tenido un buen resultado

Quiero ser un [eVo] ¡porque es mi meta!

Gracias por leer.
Last edited by MrCrackZ; Nov 4, 2014 at 06:55 AM.
Hello, I'm posting this application to join [eVo] of course.

My name is Farid, I'm 17 years old. I'm Indonesian (GMT +7). I've been playing toribash since 2010 but I'm still 7th dan Black Belt. Why? Because I don't play toribash everyday. As a student I use my time to study and go to school. I play toribash when I have free time.

Why I want to join [eVo], because [eVo] is one of the best clan I've ever knew. And I want to learn more in [eVo]. And the members are friendly I think, I don't know the character of all of you. Because I've never been acquainted with you guys yet. But I think we will know each other after you accept me as member of [eVo].

In toribash, I do Aikido(BigDojo), Judo, Taekkyon. I got some Infractions, but the infractions are expired. It's not that serious, because it's just useless post. I don't have any replay to post, because I just bought new laptop and sold the old one.

Thanks for your time,
Have a nice day

Originally Posted by MrCrackZ View Post
Game name: MrCrackZ
References: TheCarlosR

First of all, thanks for applying. And "References" goes mostly to eVo members and allies... so doesn't apply here.

I'd suggest you posting your application in english, since 90% of our members can only read it in english, etc...
Same goes to TheCarlosR, please tell and help him re-post his application in english, perhaps.

Talking english is a kind of communication requisite around here, but not strictly english...
Well, it's the main language of the clan, nothing against Spanish.

Let's wait for our members to take a look at your applications when they pop up.
Last edited by Eddy; Nov 5, 2014 at 10:14 AM.
Game name: MrCrackZ
Belt: Black Belt

Hello i am colombian, i know some English and Spanish,i have 17 years old,I not like smoke,i like the jokes for insult,I love the music electronic,Rock,Dubstep,Drumstep, some metal, im not gay,I love the mathematics and chemistry.

Why i want to join [Evolution]:

I remember my first day in toribash,I among in a server public, i knew nothing of the el game and there i found a player,now i not remember his name but i remember one label in the right side of his name,this label say [eVo],this player was 5th black belt,he makes one awesome decapitation and a fantastic pose final,I astonished,later is my turn to fight with he,...He destroy my body.

I sad for my little hability, I decided practice with my friend uke,and i promise being a [eVo],to the finished mi practice with uke, i was white belt because i no more play in other server multiplayer,i went to a novice server,this server was of aikido,i remember, what i always win ..ok,usually i win,mi practice work good,but mi other promise of join in the clan [eVo]?

i believe what its time to put on my habilities to testing, I majored in greykido,aikido,aikidobigdojo,mushu,mushuboxes

Why i want to join [eVo]?i want join in [eVo] because its my big promise,be Clan [eVo]Change my life in toribash for one before and one later,Be a [eVo]Its a affirmation for mi practice it worked.

Why i want to join [eVo]?¡Because its my promise!
Hi,My name is TheCarlosR.

Why i want to join [Evolution]:One my English no is perfect ok,i want to enter to the [eVo] because?,of all the clans ive seen this was the one that caught my attention for their players of this clan which are very master and not only about the master if not what the [eVo] is the best clan,¿Because they are not wearing one? niggling,if they let me test my experience in the clan and get your family will see it was not a waste of time.

I repeat,my english no is perfect

Thanks for your time,nice day
I applied to evolution 3 days ago, but there's no reply from one of you guys. Please tell me if I get deny or accept. Thanks
Hello . Now ABOUT ME

I am Blue belt (alt of 6th : JacxmanBR)

I am very good ABD , Xspar and Aikido player


Name:Rafael Nick: T0RiSpiain

Ok bye