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Recently finished something i have been working on lately. It the most detailed pieces of art I've ever made and probably my favourite, It took me around 2 days to complete this. My inspiration came from my love of tigers and lions and i wanted to capture there true beauty, this is the first price of work i have done on a black background and i think i will start to do a few more using this style since i like the silhouette and almost shadowy Feel to it. One of the things i would like to change is some of the whiskers, it looks like i drew them while riding a bull or something, I would love to see what you guys think of it ;)


btw its pretty huge

Last edited by saif118; Sep 4, 2013 at 06:09 PM.
Originally Posted by iNarwal View Post
--- What is the meaning and/or purpose of life?

Originally Posted by iNarwal View Post
--- What is "love"?
> baby don't hurt me.

I lol'ed on both of these.
"In my opinion, the existence of life is a highly overrated phenomenon." -Jon Osterman
Yes I did, i had several, i had about 6 i think which is probably way to much but each image i used for a different feature and also im not sure what animal it is now, people tell me it looks like a lion but a few do say it looks like a leopard so at the moment i am a bit confobulabibiled as to what it is, anyone think of a good name for this creature?
[Artist]Saif will be back soon... [TABD]
Originally Posted by BleachMe View Post
My Laptop battery just came in the mail! No more random shut offs if I move the computer to fast.

Congrats man. Hope everything goes well with it.

Also, I'm selling TC if anyone would like to buy any. :P (PM me if so, to not clog the thread)

I worked on my replay a bit and now I have this. I still may change it, but I think this one might be my final.
Attached Files
#Soap - Zone replay thingy 2.rpl (104.6 KB, 10 views)
Wow, you DREW that? I'm speechless! I couldn't even draw a stick figure right haha.

It's a pretty amazing piece and I can tell a lot of effort went into it. Congrats, I can't wait to see more!
You’ve been taught all your life that truth is easy to hide. You'll face your judgment another day and suffer eternally.
For your records...

You've sent 72000 toricredits to BankofZone
In love with Dyrisk|Nin0fshin|hahanub|lexii|Gundampools|Dartzpi e
(Proud [Meth] Leader) IRC:
Name: treesnipe
Belt: Blue
Bans, infractions, or warnings: None
Past clans and why you left them: This is my first
Anyone you know in this clan: The people on the recruitment server... Erif, Soap toolfree, and xtorigod
Why do you want us: It seems like a good clan and they play my favorite mods plus its one of the only clans that dosent go, YOUR NOT BLACKBELT NO CLAN FOR YOU!! -_-
Why should we want you: Im really good at aikido judo and mods like that
Best and Worst mods: Best: Aikido, Aikido Big dojo, Judo, Judo fracture, twinswords Worst: Wushu, and any long distance engagement mod
One or two paragraphs about yourself:

Ive been playing toribash for a few months now and still haven't found a good clan. I am pretty good at most gamemodes and have some friends I play with. I hope this clan accepts me.Im pretty nice to others and will help if someone is new or has questions about the game. I use Hold most of the time right now but I have used relax some.

"I would greatly appreciate it if you accepted me. Thank you for your time."
Attached Files
AO 1 vs AO 2.rpl (24.7 KB, 4 views)
Aikido Opener 1.rpl (22.0 KB, 4 views)
Aikido Opener 2 .rpl (19.2 KB, 3 views)
relax kick only 5.rpl (71.0 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by treesnipe; Sep 5, 2013 at 02:48 AM. Reason: Added Replays
Practice makes perfect... Especially in Toribash