Originally Posted by JorreI14 View Post

And btw, how do you think I could convince my mom to pre-order NBA 2K12? D

You Threatened Her, that when she does not get it for you, you will commit suicide.
Loyal And Proud Member Of Guardians
Originally Posted by JorreI14 View Post
Do you guys think I'm overtraining?

I lift 5lb dumbells. ( 100 biceps, 30 triceps, 10 shoulder. )

20 minutes of plyometrics.

10 push ups

30 calf raises

30 curl ups


And btw, how do you think I could convince my mom to pre-order NBA 2K12? D

Well how abbout you tell her: buy me game or you taste my fucking big muscles!
Just kiddin:
Go to your mom and ask her nicely and tell her that you wont lie that you want that game and if she says no say ok and just go sad to your room. Mostly works xD
@Jorrei: yay, another one who's fishing for compliments and tries to brag?

anyway guys, concerning your 'who gives a shit what my mom says': you only got one mom in your live so dont make her sad and at least try to behave good in front of her and listen to what she says (not talking about everything, every mom got some things where she overreacts and so on).
But once there is the day when your mom dies and you have to ask yourself if you were a good or a bad son.
not want to tell you that you gotta do that, but take this into account when doing something against your mom the next time.

@Corba: so, what sorts of drugs did you do then?
Originally Posted by count3rl33 View Post
@Corba: so, what sorts of drugs did you do then?

Well, i didnt do any but many people do love drugs because when it would be legal nearly nobody would drink,smoke,take etc. drugs
yeah got a comotypo from time to time cobra.

I dont think so. As you know in Germany drinking is legal and you can get beer legally at 16yrs.
Every year ~ 40.000 people die by alcohol (only comsume, not drinking alcohol and then do something and die) and everything is legal.

you are only referring to those ppl who take drugs because they think it looks cool to other ones, not the bigger rest ;)
guys my pc is fried i am on my friends also jorrie i lift 20lbs daily sometimes 50 or 100 depends on my mood also i do 50 pushups 50 calf raises 10 pulls up